Since entering the Australian market in 2018, CodiPro has quickly developed a reputation for its high-quality lifting…
New: Weld-on Round Pad Eyes – PELP
Introducing a safer Pad Eye to the lifting and lashing market.
This device is manufactured in Australian using only heat certified Australian Steel.
- Forged from G300 Mild Steel – AS3679.1 Grade 300PLUS
- Full Working Load Limit in all directions
- Certified Welding Instructions
- 4:1 Design Factor
- Available in sizes 0.40t, 0.80t, 1.60t and 2.5t (For higher capacity weld on lifting points, please see our range of DPLP Deck Plates)
- Welding shall always be carried out by a qualified person to AS1554.1:2014
- CAD Drawings available here
Please call us on 1300 869 653 for more information!