As a leader in lifting and rigging manufacturing, LiftEx Gold Coast is an invaluable opportunity…

Supply Chain Update
We would like to inform you that Townley is not currently affected by the coronavirus pandemic which has caused major disruptions to the supply of products from other parts of the world.
As you may know, Townley manufacture in Melbourne from locally produced Australian raw materials.
Townley carries high stock levels of finished product, work in progress and raw materials. This also extends to our Townley Wholesale Distribution brand covering products such as Codipro lifting points, ALFRA lifting magnets and Irizar Forge blank shank hooks and hook blocks.
We remain committed to supporting our local distributors with the supply of high quality lifting and rigging products, and our team is available to assist you by calling 1300 869 653.
We will ensure to keep you informed of any other major developments should the current situation change. Please feel free to get in contact with me if you would like to discuss this further.